Title: Shotgun Shopping
Author: Sheevaun Moran
ISBN: 978-0-9819521-0-9
Genre: Self-Help
Pages: 149
Reviewed By: Brian Knight
Official Premium Promotional Services Rating: 3 stars
Are you a non-shopper? Author Sheevaun Moran is. Moran delivers a colloquial delivery of tongue and cheek techniques, displaying the truth—a self help book that will help determine your degree of shopping displeasure.
“Shotgun Shopping” shines a light on how to materialize the wants and needs of people using shopping as a metaphor. “Shotgun Shopping” addresses buying in a practical light. Time management, being positive, and the importance of organization are all included in this guide to non-shopping. After reading “Shotgun Shopping” the reader will now be able to simply implement the learned techniques into their shopping routine.
Moran’s list of what to do and how to do it is interesting and thought provoking and leaves lasting impressions. What is more interesting; however, is the list of what not to do and why you should not. Focusing on the reasons of ‘what not to do’, she pulls the reader into her interesting store experiences. Situations the reader can relate and will nod in affirmation.
Growing up in a small U.S.A. town, Moran shares many purchasing techniques she developed while shopping with her mother whom Moran refers to as “the shopper of all shoppers.” Through “Shotgun Shopping”, Moran shows these life experiences and shares the solutions with her readers.
In essence, “Shotgun Shopping” is not a ‘how to’ or your typical ‘self help’ book about shopping or being a shopaholic. This account of practical knowledge within this book is a statistical guide…directing the reader on all intellectual abilities. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, the reader will have a different perspective when they enter a store. They will now have a new appreciation for when, where and why they choose to purchase a certain item. Moran does an excellent job incorporating her own experiences to illustrate her shopping techniques.
I recommend “Shotgun Shopping” for those who need motivation heading down the right path of life. “Shotgun Shopping” is an excellent reference that you can use during those times of stress, especially if shopping for that one particular item in the mall or a particular store.